Non-Surgical Blog
The Single Best Option for Muscle Gain without Injury
July 22, 2022

As many of us commit to a healthier lifestyle, weight resistance training is often a component of the regimen. In fact, many of Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics patients are taking advantage of our free Clinical Exercise program in order to learn safe techniques.
Weight training has numerous benefits including improvements in both muscle mass and strength, increased metabolism for burning calories, and increased bone mass to avoid problems like future osteopenia and osteoporosis. However, weight training can also result in significant injury to hamstrings, biceps, and other injuries.
But take note: there is one exercise that has been proven to increase strength and reduce the risk of tendon rupture injuries known as “eccentric exercise.” Sounds a bit far fetched? Eccentric exercises are exactly that; they are slow, lengthening muscle contractions that are for a specific muscle. For example, if you imagine slowly lowering yourself down to sit into a chair, the slow motion of you going from a standing position to sitting is an eccentric contraction, or “negative”.
For any exercise, there are two phases: concentric, or shortening, phase of muscle contraction; and eccentric, or lengthening phase of contraction. For instance, with heel rises to strengthen the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, the concentric phase starts with the heels at their lowest point, and finishes with the heels at the highest point (the heels furthest from the floor). The eccentric phase in this case is the lowering phase, controlling the force of body weight and gravity bringing the heel from the peak height back down to the floor.
Another example is bicep curls, or arm curls. The concentric phase begins with the elbow extended and the dumbbell near your waist or hip, at the low point, and finishes with the elbow flexed or maximally bent and the dumbbell finishing near your shoulder. The eccentric phase involves the bicep muscle firing as it lengthens and controls the weight as it is lowered from the shoulder back down to the waist level.
Interested in learning more? Contact Dr. Hall for a complete evaluation of your specific physical needs as you strength train. With his years of experience as a Clinical Kinesiologist and Sports Nutritionist, specializing in sports injury and functional medicine, Dr, Hall is here to help!

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