Ten Foods You Shouldn’t Find in Your Pantry – Part 4

May 1, 2020

Because we at Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center care about our patients and want to see them thrive we not only develop helpful tips such as these (regarding food choices) but also we’ve developed a large number of services designed for very specific issues.

THE CONCLUSION. By now if you’ve been following our blog, you’ve seen a pretty long list of foods we highly recommend you leave out of your diet. Our list of items when combined, contribute to; diabetes, inflammation, Celiac disease, headaches, itching, allergies, toxicity, increased levels of mercury, acidity- even breast and other cancers.


Because we at Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center care about our patients and want to see them thrive we not only develop helpful tips such as these (regarding food choices) but also we’ve developed a large number of services designed for very specific issues. Our core business, Chiropractic, is really just the tip of the iceberg. 


From simple consultations, to sports medicine to regenerative medicine therapy, we look into the primary and secondary source(s) of your problem to give you the solution that’s right for you, and you alone. And Dr. Hall and his team are just as concerned about nutrition as a part of your overall health and wellness. 


So, to continue the discussion on not-so-healthy foods, rounding out the top two avoidable substances are the following:


HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFCS) – Many experts agree, HFCS is likely a key factor in today’s obesity epidemic, but it’s way more than that. High intake of fructose (50% of HFCS) leads to increased liver fat potentially leading to fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. HFCS and table sugar both have been shown to drive inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.1 What’s more, Metabolic X Syndrome and insulin resistance have been closely associated with the increase in consumption of HFCS. You’ll find this ingredient hidden in a staggering amount of processed foods today.


TRANS-FATS (Partially Hydrogenated Oils) – The worst of consumable fats, trans-fats are responsible for strongly increased risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Trans-fats are always found in fried foods, and regularly found in doughnuts, and baked goods including cakes, pie crusts, biscuits, frozen pizza, cookies, crackers, and stick margarines and other spreads. Without a doubt, Trans fats raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Avoiding them is not easy, but considering the known health effects, it’s a necessity.


In summary, here is our list once again of foods to simply leave out of your pantry:

  • Soy (soybeans)
  • Corn oil
  • Peanuts
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Shellfish and catfish
  • Pork
  • Processed flour
  • Monosodium glutamate
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Trans-fats


But wait… Isn’t there a resolution to this series? Something to take away besides the bad news? Indeed there is! Here is our list of suggested replacements for a few of our suggestions:


SOY – because soy is found in so many products, it is hard to find a simple list of alternatives. But if you are using soy as a sauce, consider worcestershire sauce instead. Or if you are used to tofu, try seitan, a protein packed meat substitute. The basic idea here is to simply avoid soy.

CORN OIL – Though it may sound like it would not work, try applesauce in recipes calling for corn oil. You can also try coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil.

PEANUTS – Snack on almonds and use all natural, no sugar added almond butter in place of peanut butter.

ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS – Use instead SteviaRaw, honey, and/or raw, natural cane sugar. Keep the artificial chemicals out of the equation.

PROCESSED FLOUR – Replace processed flour with sprouted grains, preferably spelt and millet.


If you have any questions about our suggestions or would like to come in for an overall evaluation, feel free to give us a call: 423-499-0003 or visit our website to make an appointment.






1 Mawer, MSc, Rudy. 6 Reasons Why High-Fructose Corn Syrup Is Bad for You. Healthline.com, September 27, 2019.

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Providing superior non-invasive, drug-free healthcare. The Tennessee valley's leader in drug-free, non-surgical treatments of low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and joint pain.

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