Non-Surgical Blog
National Bone and Joint Health Awareness Week – October 12-20
October 16, 2020

Here at Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center, we are committed to bone and joint health. That’s why National Bone and Joint Health Awareness Week is important to us, because we know your health is important to you. So we strive to help you protect and repair your joints through our many therapy options such as regenerative medicine, myofascial release, laser therapy, decompression, and many others.
Here are some stats:
- More than half the American population over the age of 18: 54 percent – are affected by musculoskeletal (bone and joint) conditions, according to The Burden of Musculoskeletal Conditions in the United States.(1)
- One in three (33%) people over the age of 18 required medical care for a musculoskeletal condition in each of the years 2009 to 2011, a 19% increase over the last decade.(2)
- Bone and joint conditions are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability worldwide affecting hundreds of millions of people.(3)
- Musculoskeletal conditions include back pain, arthritis, traumatic injuries, osteoporosis, spinal deformity, and childhood conditions.
- The global prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions is predicted to increase greatly due to increasing life expectancy and changes in risk factors unless new treatments and preventive measures are found.
- Musculoskeletal conditions can lead to significant disability plus diminished productivity and quality of life. Treatment and lost wage costs associated with musculoskeletal diseases in the U.S. alone was estimated at $874 billion in 2009 to 2011 – equal to 5.73 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).(2)
- Research funding is currently less than 2 percent of the National Institutes of Health annual budget, and continues to decline each year despite the high costs associated with injuries, arthritis, and back pain.
- Since 2011, when “Baby Boomers” became beneficiaries of Medicare, the economic and societal cost of bone and joint health escalated and is expected to continue for decades.
Call us at 423-499-0003 and schedule your evaluation today!
CATEGORY: Low Back Pain, Wellness

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