Non-Surgical Blog
MCL Sprains Are No Joke
April 1, 2022

Throughout life, our bodies can sustain many different injuries, some of which affect the musculoskeletal system, which is the system of bones, muscles, and connective tissues that give our body shape and movement. One injury that is often seen in people who regularly participate in sports is an MCL sprain. Here’s what you need to know about MCL sprains and how Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics can help.
What Is An MCL Sprain?
MCL stands for Medial Collateral Ligament – a band of tissue found on the inside of your knee. The MCL connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg, keeping your knee stable and preventing it from bending inwards. Unfortunately, if your MCL is damaged, your knee could over-extend or bend too far in a direction that it’s supposed to. This can cause a strain or microtears to appear in the ligament itself, which can result in a range of painful symptoms including:
- Pain along the inside edge of the knee
- Swelling in and around the knee
- You may hear a pop at the time of the injury
- A feeling of instability in the knee
- Trouble putting pressure or weight on the knee
If these are your symptoms, you need to see Dr. Hall right away for a proper assessment so that the problem does not worsen with time.
Most MCL sprains can be treated very effectively through a number of different options we offer at Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics, including our Non-Surgical Knee Program.
Your treatment will include a variety of different therapies such as cold laser therapy, percussion, and IRT (injury recall technique). You’ll also be advised on when you should rest and elevate your knee.
Our team can even help you perform a series of exercises that will help you regain normal knee movement.
If you need more information about MCL sprains and how they can be treated, visit us or call 423-499-0003 to schedule an appointment today.

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