Is the Recurring Pain in My Abdomen from a Hernia?

April 8, 2022


What runs through our minds when we have pain in the abdomen from physical activity is that we have somehow created a hernia, or tear in our muscles. Clearly, that is not always the case and pain will subside and disappear. However, some athletes may find that constant physical activity can, in fact, cause hernias, which require professional help to alleviate the problem.


Men are often more susceptible to sports hernias. But whether male or female, you might not notice a sports hernia right away because the pain usually starts gradually. However, any athletic activity, such as twisting, lifting, or straining, will cause the muscles to tear even further and the pain will increase. These microscopic tears seem like they would heal on their own, but with continual strain through vigorous activity, hernias can develop into serious problems.


The symptoms of sports hernias vary, but they can include pain on one side of your abdomen or on the entire lower abdomen. When you are coughing or sneezing, the pain will often worsen. To get a diagnosis, you will have a physical exam and a medical history. 


At Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we will test to see if you have tenderness in your lower abdomen or top of your groin. Sometimes, you will have other tests done to rule out any other conditions. Along with treatment, Dr. Hall will also show you how to do specific exercises to help the symptoms subside and help you improve your range of motion. This can help you avoid future injuries and improve your overall mobility. Soft tissue manipulation will help you recover too.


If you are an athlete and think you have a sports hernia, do not wait to get treatment. Your muscles may continue to tear, and you will only feel constant pain. However, with specialized care at our clinic, you can find yourself healing much faster than you would otherwise.


Call today to get your appointment and consultation: 423-499-0003. We can work with you to help you develop a treatment plan that will meet each of your unique needs.



Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Providing superior non-invasive, drug-free healthcare. The Tennessee valley's leader in drug-free, non-surgical treatments of low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and joint pain.

6035 Shallowford Rd,
Chattanooga, TN 37421

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WED: 8:00am-12:00pm  &  2:00pm-6:00pm
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