Non-Surgical Blog
Great, What is it? Knee Replacement or a Lifetime Managing Pain?
March 20, 2020

Guess what? It’s neither.
For the estimated 45 percent of Americans who may develop painful knee osteoarthritis in their lifetime (the wearing down of the protective tissue at the ends of bones (cartilage) which occurs gradually and worsen over time) there’s good news.
Research from the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has shown there are many ways to decrease chronic knee pain and restore joint function beyond traditional surgery. At Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center, we wholeheartedly agree.
Many have heard, and fully believe, the only way to solve knee pain is to have invasive surgical procedures and/or to follow a heavy regimen of prescription medications. Both suppositions are false! You do not need knee surgery in every case, nor do you need to consider it as a first solution. Likewise, considering pain management through prescription medications only masks the real problem, but does nothing to correct the source of the pain.
With time, diligence, and our help, many have come to find their body is able to heal itself through proper and individualized knee treatment plans. In many, many cases, our doctors are able to help eliminate the need for both prescription drugs and surgical procedures. Take a look at our non-surgical knee program.
Are your knees taking the spring out of your step? Now is the time to take action!

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