Non-Surgical Blog
Five Ways to Stick a Habit
January 29, 2021

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Many of us have given up on that tradition because we all know that it is much easier to set one than to stick to one. We get so comfortable with what we are used to that creating new habits can be difficult. At Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center, we know making a lifestyle habit can be really hard, but these 5 simple steps can help you get started and excel in making your new habits stick!
- Start Simple. Forming new habits is generally based around bettering your life in one way or another, so it is important to create a solid goal and focus on something that is attainable and sustainable for you to follow. If you change major parts of your life, or try to form too many new habits at once, you may find yourself completely overwhelmed, discouraged and will likely just give up. Start with a one small and simple new habit that you can focus on. Then, build your way up to a bigger goal over time.
- Preparation is a Must. Planning ahead will help you to stay one step ahead of your goals and allow you to easily follow through by sticking to new habits. Being aware of your own excuses that will derail you- like, “I’m just too busy today, so I’ll try again tomorrow,” or “I’m going to ease-in to this, so one more cola (cigarette, doughnut, etc.) won’t matter. Rather, when you feel cravings toward the old habit you want to break, offer yourself an alternative that is readily available, such as a bottle of water when giving up soft drinks, or a healthy snack when giving up sugar.
- Stay Consistent. Forming a new habit isn’t easy, especially without some sort of sacrifice. If you are forming a new habit, the end goal is likely worth the challenge but it’s easy to fall back into old ways. Setbacks can happen, but they are not permanent- you can always start over and try again. It may be helpful to remind yourself daily of the reason why you are trying to form new habits. Remembering why you decided to make the journey in the first place is often a strong motivation to help you keep it going.
- Celebrate Wins- and Yes- the Losses. It’s easy to recognize success, but it is as important to allow yourself some grace when losses occur. It’s going to happen, so dwelling on slip-ups will only weaken your resolve. Instead, accept the mistake and move on as a lesson of growth. We learn best from picking ourselves up after a failure or loss. Overcoming the loss helps you learn a new way of navigating through the challenges that arise when sticking to new habits.
- Track Progress. What gets measured, gets managed. Measuring or tracking progress towards your goals and habits not only holds you accountable to be consistent, but it is data that helps you see the progress you’ve made. Whether it is tracking the amount of consecutive days you stuck to the changes, or logging numerical data (for example, number of minutes walked, number of pullups, etc.) you can easily see that the new habits you are forming while you are getting closer to your goal!
While these tips should help you along the path to creating new, healthier habits, we hope you will share your progress with us here at Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center and let us be part of your success!

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