Finding the Reason for Your Low Back Pain

March 24, 2023

When low back pain is caused by an issue with a spinal disc, the source of the pain can originate from an irritated nerve from a protruding disc, or from a problem with the disc itself. Determining the difference between the two can lead to patient confusion as the condition can be described by some in a variety of terms such as slipped disc, protruding disc, pinched nerve, and/or degenerated disc.

When low back pain is caused by an issue with a spinal disc, the source of the pain can originate from an irritated nerve from a protruding disc, or from a problem with the disc itself. Determining the difference between the two can lead to patient confusion as the condition can be described by some in a variety of terms such as slipped disc, protruding disc, pinched nerve, and/or degenerated disc.

When a spinal disc causes mechanical compression, irritation, or inflammation of a nearby nerve root, nerve pain occurs due to the intrusion of the nerve by the disc. Pain from a pinched nerve in your lower back can radiate along the path of the nerve down through your legs, ankles and feet. Neurological problems, such as weakness, numbness, tingling, and/or the sensation of  “pins-and-needles” can also occur.

At Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we call this pain radiculopathy. When radiculopathy occurs due to the irritation or compression of specific nerve roots in the lower back (L4 to S3), it is commonly referred to as sciatica.

If the source of your low back pain is the intervertebral disc, it is called discogenic back pain. A spinal disc may degenerate due to wear and tear or trauma and cause pain by the following mechanisms:

  • Inflammation. As the disc degenerates, inflammatory proteins may be released into the disc space. A degenerated disc may also herniate, causing its inner inflammatory contents to leak out. These inflammatory agents may irritate or inflame nearby nerves, causing pain.
  • Herniated discs can also cause pinched nerve pain as described above.
  • Shrinkage. Degeneration may cause dehydration within the disc, resulting in loss of fluid content and shrinkage. The degree of disc shrinkage can cause narrowing of the spinal canal, leading to radiculopathy.
  • Motion segment instability. Disc degeneration can also cause the spinal segment to become unstable and not be as effective in resisting the motion in the spine.

As the body attempts to counteract the inflammation, instability, and pain, the muscles in the area may spasm, which can cause sharp, shooting pain, worsening the back pain. Pain from a degenerated disc may be localized or may radiate into your leg (radiculopathy).

If you experience lower back pain you’re not alone. Low back pain affects 80% of all Americans at some point in their lives. Low back pain accounts for weeks, months, and even years of lost work, lost time, and lost enjoyment in life. Low back pain is the #1 neuro-musculoskeletal problem world-wide and Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics are experts in preventing and conquering low back pain with a proven track record of over 25 years.

Call us today for an appointment! 423-499-0003.

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Providing superior non-invasive, drug-free healthcare. The Tennessee valley's leader in drug-free, non-surgical treatments of low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and joint pain.

6035 Shallowford Rd,
Chattanooga, TN 37421

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MON: 8:00am-12:00pm  &  2:00pm-6:00pm
WED: 8:00am-12:00pm  &  2:00pm-6:00pm
THUR: 2:30pm-5:45pm
FRI: 8:00am-12:00pm  &  2:00pm-6:00pm

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