Non-Surgical Blog
Fashion Choices Contribute to Joint Pain – Part 2
July 31, 2020

Last week, we talked about how carrying heavy bags are often contributors to joint pain and a host of other problems in your back and neck. This week, we look at the more trendy fashion of shoe choice and how footwear can contribute to bringing you discomfort and perhaps even long-term issues throughout a number of joints.
It is probably no secret, high heels are a pain and cause pain- but perhaps more of an extent than you realize. When your toes are facing downward into heels you’re putting more pressure on the ball of the foot and not evenly distributing weight. Regular use of high heels can contribute to bunions. Because you’re also shortening your calf muscle, which alters your gate as you walk, heels put stress on your lower back as well. The walking position in heels tends to overarch the back, and propels you in a more forward position requiring you to use your back muscles to set you more upright, so it not only affects your low back, but your neck and shoulders as well.
Another well-known pain maker is the backless shoe. Mules might be a common footwear trend, but wear them with caution. Though a better alternative to heels, backless shoes provide little to no arch support. But despite poor support, another main issue with these shoes is their tendency to fall off your feet. Your shoes should be able pass the “shake test,” meaning if you shake your foot and the shoe doesn’t fall off, you will not have as much of an issue. But if your shoes do fall off, you’re likely clenching your toes while walking to keep the shoes on, and this repetitive action can contribute to foot and ankle pain, knee pain, and spinal misalignment.
If you suspect pain resulting from footwear, or if you are experiencing pain in any joint, come in to Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center today and let us help you not only stop the pain, but help you correct the problem. 423-499-0003.
Next week,we tackle skinny jeans. The potential dangers may surprise you. Don’t miss it!

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