Non-Surgical Blog
Don’t Make Resolutions – Make Decisions
December 30, 2022

A resolution can be defined as a decision, but in reality, we think of a New Year’s resolution in particular as something we are going to do, or more accurately, something we hope to do should we find the time, the resources, or the will power. Nothing wrong with setting goals. But how about, let’s not bother to plan something in the distance, instead what if we just do it?!
Why wait until after New Year’s Day to consider your health, your joints, your happiness?
At Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics we see countless patients who wish they would have “started sooner” not waited to get healthy, or not waited to deal with their back pain, hip pain, foot pain, or knee pain before it progressed to something really serious. Maybe that’s you?
Here’s the great news – even if you have let time steal away more of your resolutions and you find yourself in pain you didn’t realize was progressing- we are here and we can help!
Throw out those resolutions. Make the decision today, to call Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics and get the help you’ve needed for some time. Our professional, caring staff, along with our state-of-the-art services for a huge variety of conditions is here to serve you.
Call 423-499-0003 now and let’s decide together to get you where you want to be!

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