Non-Surgical Blog
Don’t Let your Guard Down for the Holidays
December 10, 2021

Many common holiday activities can cause back, neck, and join injuries which can make any festive season anything but jolly.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 60,000 visits to doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, and clinics in 2019 (pre-COVID) for injuries related to holiday decorating alone. This included everything from falling while hanging lights and other decorations to hand and other extremity injuries due to tree stands, lights, and other adornments.
At Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics, we are concerned about our patients during this time of year and we see a fair amount of back pain, neck pain, and other joint related issues throughout the holiday season. Using proper precautions both inside and outside of your home to prevent injuries is key. The hectic pace of the holiday season may cause people to unknowingly let their guard down, making them more susceptible to bone, joint, and muscle-related injuries.
Whether staying at home or vacationing in a cold-weather climate, you can prevent injuries by being more cautious and celebrating in moderation.
Here are some tips for fall prevention during the Christmas season:
- Select the right ladder for the job. When working at low and medium heights, choose step stools or utility ladders. Extension ladders are only acceptable for use outdoors to reach high places, not at ground level.
- Inspect ladders for loose screws, hinges, or rungs.Clean off any mud or liquids that have accumulated on the ladder.
- Properly set up ladders on firm, level surfaces. Watch for soft, muddy spots or uneven flooring, and never place a ladder on ground that is uneven. Remember the 1-to-4 rule: the bottom of the ladder should be 1 foot away from the wall for every 4 feet that the ladder rises.
- Be aware of your surroundings as you move items. Move materials with caution when on the ladder, and always position the ladder close to the work area, so you do not lose your balance and fall. Wear proper footwear with securely tied shoelaces.
- Stand on a step stool instead of furniture when you need a few more inches to hang a wreath.
- Ask for help when moving heavy or awkward items.
- Minimize clutter and keep pathways clear of decorations, gift boxes, and other items that can trip you up.
We want to see you, but not because of a bad fall! Merry Christmas!

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