Blogs From the Month | Year You Selected:
Five Foot and Ankle Issues that will Get Worse if Ignored
Foot Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|If we ignore the early warning signs of a foot or ankle problem we could be setting ourselves up for long-term trouble.
Think You Have Bursitis?
Arthritis, Foot Pain, Knee Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|Different activities can lead to bursitis of the hip, the most common being repetitive actions such as stair climbing.
Successfully Living with Knee Arthritis
Arthritis, Knee Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|At Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics we have several non-surgical ways to manage the knee arthritis and ways to get at the heart of the matter to ease pain and restore motion.
Stiffness, Weakness, and Other Treatable Issues
Low Back Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|As the new year approaches, it’s time to stop worrying about making New Year’s resolutions that don’t stick. Instead, come see us at Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics and become pain-free without surgery.
Don’t Start Another Year with Joint Pain
Low Back Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|As the new year approaches, it’s time to stop worrying about making New Year’s resolutions that don’t stick. Instead, come see us at Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics and become pain-free without surgery.
Give Your Back a Christmas Gift
Low Back Pain, Non-Surgical Orthopedics
|If you’re still making a list for the coming Christmas holidays, consider the gift of improved health and wellness this holiday season. Healthy gift options show your loved ones that you care about them—inside and out.