Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics Articles and Information. The proven leader in drug-free, non-surgical alternatives to dangerous pain medications, risky steroid epidurals, and unnecessary surgeries.
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Stiffness, Weakness, and Other Treatable Issues
Happy New Year! The weather is generally colder and a new year has begun. Let’s talk about joint weakness and stiffness and how to overcome these common issues. When an area of the body has been injured it becomes weak and stiff. At Chattanooga ...
Don’t Start Another Year with Joint Pain
When you’re dealing with any kind of pain, even the simplest of tasks are difficult. As the new year approaches, it’s time to stop worrying about making New Year’s resolutions that don’t stick. Instead, come see us at Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics and eliminate the pain ...
Give Your Back a Christmas Gift
Many common holiday activities can cause back, neck, and joint injuries which can make Christmas unpleasant and drain the joy out of the season. Back pain is one of the most common reasons why a patient may come to see Chattanooga Non-surgical Orthopedics. 8 ...
Haphazard Holiday Habits Can Hurt
When it comes to healthy habits, it’s easy to say, “I’ll get back on track after the holidays.” But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know it’s not that simple. It takes time and practice to create habits, and when we get derailed, it’s ...
Don’t Let your Guard Down for the Holidays
Many common holiday activities can cause back, neck, and join injuries which can make any festive season anything but jolly. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 60,000 visits to doctors' offices, emergency rooms, and clinics in 2019 (pre-COVID) for ...
Gift Giving with Health & Wellness in Mind
If you’re still making a list for the coming Christmas holidays, consider the gift of improved health and wellness this holiday season. Healthy gift options show your loved ones that you care about them—inside and out. Here are a few of our favorite useful, health-conscious ...
Having the Best Thanksgiving
We all love to indulge on Thanksgiving—but you can indulge without overdoing it and still feel like you have done it all! It is possible to have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving without doing your body any harm and here’s how: Exercise: Start your Thanksgiving ...
Give Thanks & Get Active- You May Prevent Cancer
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concluded that physical activity is associated with a lowered risk of many types of cancers. Not surprising, but a fantastic reminder as we head into a season of eating and relaxing on the ...
Low Back Pain and Depression Connection
Feeling down because you struggle with back pain is not uncommon. Slipping into depression as a result of your pain is a deeper issue and there is definitely a correlation between the two. At Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics we return our patients to vital health and ...