Non-Surgical Blog
Avoiding the Runner’s “Wall”
April 29, 2022

Running a marathon can be a grueling test of endurance for world class runners, first-timers, and everyone in between. Chattanooga area athletes who want to compete in an endurance race, or simply want to move beyond their current limitations, need to plan ahead so they can avoid the dreaded “wall”.
The wall is that feeling when you simply run out of energy and feel weak, dizzy, or that get that feeling you can do no more. Physically, the wall is the point at which glycogen (stored glucose or sugar) is depleted and your body begins burning fat as a primary energy source. While burning fat for energy sounds like a good weight loss goal, it is a physiological hurdle for competitive athletes seeking better performance.
While it’s often possible to make it through this low-energy point, the best way to have a better race or running experience is to plan in advance to avoid the wall altogether. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your preparation:
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Try longer runs. While mixing different paces and longer distances is important, longer runs are especially helpful in avoiding the wall because your body more slowly adapts to the demands placed upon it. Long runs that deplete glycogen stores will increase your body’s ability to store glycogen in the future.
Nutrition and hydration are also key to avoiding the wall. Ensure that you are properly hydrated before running by monitoring your urine color. If your urine is dark, like apple juice, you are dehydrated and should drink more water. Your urine should be clear or lightly colored like water or lemonade. Nutritionally, before competing, you will need to increase your consumption of high-quality carbohydrates like whole grain pastas and breads, whole oats, and non-additive granolas, which will help increase your healthier carbohydrates and maximize your glucose stores for race day.
At Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we offer these competitive tips and many others for Chattanooga area athletes who want to improve performance and stay pain free in the process. For your personal evaluation and appointment, call us at 423-499-0003.

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