Non-Surgical Blog
Are You Sitting Down for This?
March 6, 2020

At this moment you are likely on your mobile device, reading. Or perhaps at your office desk, maybe even in the car (passenger seat, we hope). Truth is, more than likely you are seated, as Americans are prone to sit an average of 10 hours per day1 and even more in many cases.
Believe it or not, the results of regular, if not extended periods of sitting can actually be a cause of knee pain. True, most of the time we see knee pain as a result of sports injury, various types of arthritis, or age. But just sitting? Doc are you kidding me?
Hours, days, and weeks of immobility and inactivity, can over time, cause a lack of strength and flexibility in your knees and that weakness can increase the risk of knee injuries- even from simple tasks like standing, walking or taking stairs. People think their knees are healthy so they don’t think to exercise. Over time, that can lead to degeneration and eventually, knee pain.
To keep your knees in healthy balance, you need to be developing and maintaining strong muscles which help support, stabilize and protect your joints. Also, increased muscle flexibility can help you achieve full range of knee motion long into your older years if you stick with it.
If you are having knee pain, come see us. Here at our clinic, we can evaluate your knee pain and provide both a needed diagnosis as well as an appropriate treatment plan. You can even check out our Six Questions About Your Knees personal survey to see if you are a candidate for one of our many knee pain solutions.
So, don’t just sit there letting those knees grow weak. Get up and give us a call today, or jog on by our office to set up an appointment!
- Active Working C.I.C. On Your Feet America. Americans sit almost 10 hours each day (on average). Web article, 2020.

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