Are Mobile Devices Causing Growths on Your Body?

May 6, 2022


Smartphones and tablets have long become a part of our everyday lives. We spend hours per day messaging with friends, playing online games, doing work-related activities, and using dozens of apps. Often, this is done with our necks bent forward, our shoulders rounded, and our arms holding our phones up in front of our faces. New research has shown this type of awkward position can lead to a painful condition called “tech neck” – a common cause of neck and back pain.


Recently, Scientific Reports published a surprising study which found horn-like knots forming on the heads of some children who had spent a great deal of time on their cell phones and tablets. This extreme variation of tech neck is suspected to have been caused by constant pressure being placed on the back of the head (the occiput) when the head has been bent forward with the chin tucked for extensive periods of time.


The excessive force of holding one’s head in a constant and unnatural position can result in calcification of the soft tissue at certain points, and producing the knots. Adults are prone to the condition just as kids are, however, young people in general are statistically more often using devices for longer periods of time than adults.


 Here are some facts:

  • Children may spend up to 1400 hours per year in positions that can cause tech neck.
  • Even 15 degrees of forward tilt can triple the weight of the head and stress on neck pain and even cause headaches.


Spending time on your favorite devices doesn’t mean that you or your children will start having knots on the backs of your heads. However, it does give an example of how and why we need to be smarter about our posture and positioning when using our mobile devices.


What can you do?:

  • Encourage your children (and train yourself) to take a break and stretch often to break the bad habits that can lead to tech neck.
  • If you are having issues with your neck and back now, you need to call Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics for an evaluation so you can quickly reverse any damage that has occurred.
  • Be mindful of your posture and how you hold your devices. Starting out with proper position and posture can save you a lot of pain in the long run.



Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Chattanooga Non-Surgical Orthopedics

Providing superior non-invasive, drug-free healthcare. The Tennessee valley's leader in drug-free, non-surgical treatments of low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and joint pain.

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