Non-Surgical Blog
5 Ways to Alleviate New Year’s Stress
December 28, 2020

2020 is about to end and many of us are saying, “good riddance”. The start of the New Year is supposed to be a wonderful time, full of excitement at the prospect of what’s to come. Unfortunately, for many of us, the extra work and added expense of the holiday season can make New Year’s a stressful time. Add to that a global health crisis, elections, and strained racial relations… 2021 is stacking up to kick our anxiety into high gear.
No one likes hearing that dreaded phrase: ‘what’s your New Year’s resolution?’ Perhaps right now it’s something along the lines of “… to forget about 2020,” and who would blame you? So this year, why not forget the resolutions and tell your family and friends you are just following some tips on how to manage stress and to stay healthier, rather than to commit to a vanishing goal..
1 – Forget the Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions have become rooted in our culture. Every gym in America fills to the brim the first week of the year as people start their ‘new year, new you’ routines. Of course, the gyms quickly empty out as people forget they really ever even made a resolution. Everything eventually goes back to the status quo, because after all, New Year’s is just a day like any other. This year, why not skip the New Year’s resolution nonsense and save a lot of stress, time and money. Instead, simply get up, get out, and get active on your own time frame. You’ll get healthier simply by starting a walking habit or taking regular hikes.
2 – Awaken An Old Hobby
Instead of making some grand resolution to be a better person in the New Year, why not make an effort to simply better manage your stress. One great way to do this is by starting an old hobby. By rekindling an old hobby, you can bring you a lot of joy and sweet, sweet nostalgia, with a lot fewer headaches.
You used to love to go climbing, well maybe it’s time to sign up for classes again. But, instead of putting pressure on yourself to make it to the climbing gym every day, just go when you feel like it. After all, hobbies are supposed to be fun, not chores we force upon ourselves.
3 – Take A Day for Yourself
If the stress of the New Year has really gotten to you, it’s time for a day to renew. Massages, treatments, soaks, spas, even chiropractic adjustments, lead to relaxation. January is also the least common vacation month with only 2.4% of people electing to take their vacations then. So go early!
4 – Resolve to Relax
You ate too much sugar during the holidays. You may have gained a little weight. It’s stressing you out. Besides making the attempt to exercise more, also try some relaxation techniques that can help heal your body and your mind. There are tons of options online (and we won’t recommend any specifically). Self-care is easier than ever in 2021.
5- See Dr. Hall at Chattanooga Integrated Medicine Center
Finally, if you are really bent out of shape by New Year’s stress it can pay to get quality chiropractic care. The reality is stress can have a physical effect on our bodies. Stress causes muscles to tighten which can pull our neck and shoulders out of alignment. Even worse, stress is known to raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Chiropractic care is known to help relieve stress brought on by muscle and joint pain. However many people don’t know there are studies that have proven chiropractic sessions can even reduce blood pressure.
Connect with us! We are here for you. Go online for an appointment or give us a call at 423-499-0003 and let us help you relieve some of that holiday and new year stress!

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